
★Thanksgiving 2012★

I made a traditional Thanksgiving feast!! It was great.  After the dinner and dessert my two boys pulled apart the wishbone!  In America two people make a positive wish for the future.  Then they pull the bone apart.  The person who is left with the bigger part of the wishbone wins, and their wish comes true.  It is a very old tradition but good fun for kids. 


✄✄Crafts and Trick or Treating✄✄

工作では、Trick or Treatで使うハロウィーンバックを作りました。


Trick or Treatでは、各教室を回り、キャンディーをもらってきました。


♪♪♪Halloween Games♪♪♪

ハロウィーンパーティーではゲーム、工作、Trick or Treatなど楽しいことが盛りだくさんでした。


Pass the Pumpkinは、さやか先生が丹精込めて作った毛糸のパンプキンをつかったゲームです。

Eyeball Tossは目玉をハロウィーンバッグに入れるゲームです。目玉作りをお手伝いして下さったお母さんたち、ありがとうございました! とてもグロテスクで素敵な目玉が出来ました♥

Eyeball relayは先ほどの目玉をスプーンに乗せてリレーするゲームです。

Pin the tail on the catは目隠しをして、猫のしっぽをくっつけるゲームです。離れた所にくっつけちゃった子もいれば、的中する子も。



Group pictures!

All of the students did their best on their costumes.  It was a great Halloween experience!!  Next year will be even bigger and better!

Buzz, aliens, and super heros... Oh my

This year Mark sensei was Buzz Lightyear and Sayaka sensei was the an alien from the Toy Story movie.  It was great fun.  Everyone liked the costumes.  Akira and Taiki both were Spider man.  What did you dress up as?


Shaved ice party!

先日、ベビークラス、幼稚園クラスでshaved ice party かき氷パーティーをしました。

このクラスでは、ice、syrup、bowl、shaved ice、とかき氷にまつわる単語を習い、最終日にみんなでかき氷をしました!

自分で作ったShaved iceおいしかったね!

また来年もice, syrup, bowl, を使ってshaved iceしようね!


Summer School Week 3

This was the last week of the 2012 Summer School program.  It was a great finish to our program this year.  The Students were able to focus on picture and sound this week.  First we made cameras that actually took photographs! Then we played with sound waves by making microphones and telephones.  Also just for fun from week two on the topic of fizz we made melon soda.  It was really tasty.  The students learned a lot about science while hearing and responding to English!! I look forward to next year!


Summer School Week 2

Week 2 of summer school was the same topic as week one but with younger students.  Even doing the same things produced many different results and we still had a great time!! We made volcanoes, did coke fountains, and coke bottle rockets. The goal of these experiments was to see what makes things fizz. Fizz is CO2 so we were able to make coke fountains and model volcanoes. These students really got into decorating their Volcanoes and made very interesting ones! For the pet bottle rockets you can see how strong air pressure was.  They flew much higher than the school!!

Summer School Week 1

This first week we had a great time!! We made volcanoes, did coke fountains, and coke bottle rockets.  The goal of these experiments was to see what makes things fizz.  Fizz is CO2 so we were able to make coke fountains and model volcanoes.  For the pet bottle rockets you can see how strong air pressure was.  The picture shows mist still in the bottle after it landed.  They flew much higher than the school!! My students were really impressed at what they could learn from Science in English!


2012 Adult BBQ

We had a great time at the first Adult BBQ here for 英会話TREE.  I cooked rib-eye steaks and we had many different wine snacks and two 3L bottles of wine.  One red and one white.  The food was great and the company was even better.  At the BBQ we played some English party games and everyone had a good time. Thanks to everyone who made time in their schedule to come and make the event a success.  I can't wait until the next event!!


Summer BBQ 2012 Lunch





とても暑い日だったのでプールは常に満員状態! みんな気持ちよさそうに遊んでいました。

Balloon Toss では水風船を保護者の方も参加していただき、風船がびっくりするような長距離を飛んでいました!!
