Christmas TREE

幼稚園 Halloween Lesson
最後にはTrick or Treatでキャンディーをもらいました。
最後にはTrick or Treatでキャンディーをもらいました。
A Spooky Spider
With Halloween only a few weeks away, things have gotten spooky at TREE lately. We added a few new decorations around the school for the kids to enjoy, including a giant man-eating spider. We were also able to get several pumpkins to make jack-o-lanterns this year!
This is a chance for kids to enjoy an American style Halloween complete with trick-or-treating and pumpkin carving, so don`t miss it!
3D Shapes and Big Bubbles

On this day we learned the English words for different 3D shapes. We also learned about surface tension and how to make cubical bubbles.
Then we all practiced how to make big bubbles. Each child got to take home their own big bubble wand to play with at home.
Everyone learned a lot and had a great day!
We went to Ueno Natural Science Museum
In summer school, we learned about the different names of bones in the human body. Then, we learned about the names of dinosaurs and learned about their bones! At the end of the week, we went to Ueno Natural Science Museum and went to see real dinosaurs.
Most of the kids had not been to this museum before. They enjoyed the experience and learned a lot of new English words.
Ice Cream Parties
Our elementary school age students have been working hard for more than half a year collecting stickers to earn this ice cream reward. Stickers were given to students with good attitude during class time. Once all members of a class collected 25 stickers, we had an ice cream sundae party during class.
The kids had a lot of fun and enjoyed having a break from normal classes. Everyone is refreshed and motivated again!
Keep up the good work, kids!
The kids had a lot of fun and enjoyed having a break from normal classes. Everyone is refreshed and motivated again!
Keep up the good work, kids!
pH and carbonation
Today we learned about pH with acids and bases. Then we made lemonade. After we made the lemonade we carbonated it. It was cold and refreshing on this hot hot day!
Chalk Making
Today in Summer School we made chalk. It was great fun. First the students learned how to mix and blend colors. Then, we did some chalk art. Lastly, we made our own multi colored chalk to take home. Everyone had a great time and learned a lot.
Are you ready for summer?

At TREE, we offer 1 day or 3 day long courses that can be used for 自由研究 homework. This year we have chalk making, painting and popsicle stick bridge building courses along with many others. How strong is our popsicle stick bridge? Come and find out!
2015 Reading Contest!
Great reading everyone! Thank you for your hard work. Now, the teachers at TREE are busily listening to everyone`s recordings. The winners will be announced at our annual Summer BBQ on July 19th and receive their trophies then.
Also, winners will have their names written
on ribbons and tied to the Contest Winner`s Cup
which will stay at Eikaiwa TREE for all
to see!
See you at the BBQ!
Summer BBQ Pinata!
I made a pinata for the Summer BBQ! The star is made out of cardboard and newspaper. I used flour and water as glue. You might think normal glue is stronger than flour and water, but I think you will be surprised at how strong it makes the pinata! Usually, pinatas are filled with candy and hung from a rope. Children break them open with sticks and collect the candy. My pinata is not filled with candy, but with a different special prize because this pinata is for our adult students! Enjoy!
Easter Picnic Staff
I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to all the mothers who helped make this event a blast for everyone! Without all the help and support we couldn't have done it. This year we had our biggest turnout yet A little over 200 people came!! Even though it rained and we had to cancel the egg hunt everyone was able to keep their own eggs this year. Next year the egg hunt will be bigger and better!
St. Patrick's Day Party
On St. Patrick's day we had a great party for our adult students. I made a traditional corned beef and cabbage. It turned out great!! We also had a great time drinking green beer! Last but not least we were able to teach the students a great American drinking game beer pong!
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